Blue ribbons for kanso!
Kanso built an award-winning website for the Canyon County Fair. The International Association of Fairs and Expositions named the best mobile website in the country and second best website overall in the country. We’ll take it!
It’s a good site, to be sure! It has a clean look and feel, which helps visitors find the information they seek. Whether you’re an exhibitor, a contest entrant, a concert-goer, or a plain ol’ attendee, the site delivers the information you need in just a click or two.
Where a lot of other county fair sites are starting to look dated and cluttered, we’re proud to put Canyon County on the leading edge of website experiences. And other county sites have no mobile-ready version (or they have a funky-looking mobile site), but kanso’s mobile design is intuitive and clean for phones and tablets.
Plus, the folks at the Canyon County fair were able to keep their site updated with the latest information without our help! The admin area is easy to use, especially come fair time when agendas need updating quickly and often.
Our SEO (search engine optimization) services also helped Canyon County to earn recognition for its Social Media Campaign!
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